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Surviving To Thriving: When Life Gives You Lemons
Clare is now a published author! The book, Surviving To Thriving: When Life Gives You Lemons, explores how life can throw different experiences and events at us that are totally out of our control, and how to manage these situations.
Clare’s chapter, Running a Business from Home, Offering An Insight On Steps We Can Take To Remain Healthy And Productive, features first in the book and is a heartfelt sharing of her experiences during the Covid-19 epidemic. She hopes that regardless of the challenging circumstance someone might be going through, it can offer insight and support that might help.
The book features contributions from people in different walks of life all over the world, and offers practical advice on how to maintain your health, your families health, your business and general well-being through trying, unchartered times.
We have some copies of the book for sale at a cost of £13.99 each. Email us to order your copy.
In classes you will have heard some of the following:
- iTunes
- Spotify
- Music
- Anima - Light of Aluna:
- Listen
- Listen
- Listen
- Spiritual Healing:
- Listen
- Listen
- Listen
- Mat Pilates Power Mix 3:
- Listen
- Listen
- Listen
- I Chill - Piano Lounge:
- Listen
- N/A
- Listen
Or why not try making your own play list? Find music you love and put it all into a 60/70 minute play list. Music without singing usually works best for this kind of work.
Finding and purchasing things on line at the moment is a tricky and ever changing business. These are some ideas and items we were able to find at the time of writing.
Yamuna® Body Rolling Balls
See the list below for availability and prices. Please contact us directly if you wish to purchase any Yamuna® Body Rolling balls.
Price list:
- Silver Ball:
- £31.50+P&P
- Gold Ball:
- £30.00+P&P
- Pearl Ball:
- £26.00+P&P
- Black/Calf Balls (pair):
- £38.00+P&P
- Pump:
- £22.00+P&P
You can find mats in a huge range of prices and qualities from £5-£45. I recommend choosing between thick yoga mats or, for greater comfort, cushioned exercises mats like these:
The cushioned version will give you greater comfort but will move around on a smooth floor. The yoga mats will give you more feeling of the floor and won’t move about beneath you. TOP TIP: make sure the mat is longer than you are before you buy!
Pilates Balls
- Fitness Mad Pilates 7" Core Strength & Pelvic Exersoft Ball
- Fitness Mad Yoga/Pilates Soft Exersoft Ball
Resistance Bands
Lots of places sell these at varying prices. It’s worth searching around. You will usually find these in 4 different resistances from remedial to advanced.
In classes we use:
- Yellow:
- Light / Remedial
- Pink:
- Beginners
- Purple:
- Intermediate
Although different companies will use different colours. We use:
- Supaflex X-Band Length - 4 Pack
- I have a handful of pink ones left for £7 each. Contact us directly.
Foam Rolls
Pilates Rings
These can be particularly tricky to find right now, with good ones out of stock in many places, but you could try these:
Yoga Bolsters
Yoga bolsters can be a great way to support you in challenging positions during different kinds of physical classes and therapy sessions. They are great for use at home and really help during relaxation and release work, such as heart opening.
From organic cotton covers to buckwheat filling; I am no expert so when it comes to understanding and choosing how much to spend and which yoga bolster to buy. So if you’d like to know more check out Yoga Matters and have a good read of the blurb before clicking ‘buy’.
Top Tips
How to get the best from your online class:
- Have your room as well lit as possible.
- Set up your device and take 2 minutes to place your mat in the centre of your camera view. Have your mat in a sideways or diagonal position.
- Wear lighter coloured clothing with a different colour top and trousers if possible.
- Turn the volume up to maximum on your device and, if you have them, wireless headphones are great.
We hope you find this list helpful, but please get in touch if there is anything else we can do.
“I have attended a Yamuna workshop and weekly classes with Clare. I have found it very useful to focus on the problem areas of my body with the Yamuna balls and to work on my breathing to these areas to release pain.”
Nicola P, Jan 2022